Kilobots 56 – July 6-7, 2024

July 6 and 7 will be our annual Saskatoon BBQ fundraiser event.  Held at FingerTech HQ (20 – 3111 Millar Ave), this event is open to the public to spectate and enjoy our BBQ fundraiser.  10am-5pm both days.  Come enjoy hotdogs, burgers, sodas, and robots smashing each other! Funds from the BBQ will go back ...

Kilobots 54 and 55 registrations are open!

We’ve got a double-whammy this year.  The Calgary Maker Faire is happening on the same weekend as the Saskatoon Entertainment Expo, so there will be TWO Kilobots events happening at the same time! (We are hoping to display Calgary’s livestream on a TV on top of the Saskatoon arena so we can all watch together!) ...

Kilobots 53 – Jan 20-21

It gets cold in Saskatchewan in January and many of us require a good excuse to leave our basements. Well, here is a great excuse! Dust off your old bots. Build something new. Bring them to Kilobots 53.

Kilobots 52 – The Paradox

Bot builders! Have you figured out your upgrades for Nationals? Do you need an extra test to make sure you design is viable? Do you crave bot parts and scrap metal? Well I have an announcement for you! Kilobots 52 and BBQ! Yea you read me right! This one day event will be happening Saturday ...

Kilobots 51 – Canadian National Championships in Calgary (Aug 12-13)

It’s back! Kilobots, the largest combat robotics organization in Canada, is bringing back the Canadian National Championships after a four-year hiatus. This is our biggest yearly event, and brings in combat robot competitors from across North America to compete for the Kilobots Cup!

Kilobots 50 @ Maker Faire (May 13 & 14)

Kilobots is returning to Calgary Maker Faire on May 13 and 14th for Kilobots 50! Last year was a great success with our first Alberta-based event, which included a brand new arena, lots of creative bot designs, and of course, plenty of mayhem, destruction, and devastating close-calls.


?? KILOBOTS IS EXPANDING! ?? We are very excited to announce that Kilobots is expanding into other Canadian provinces! A bit of restructuring has been happening behind the scenes: “Kilobots” is no longer just the event name, “Kilobots Combat Robot Events” is now the main body that holds events across the country. The SCRC (previously ...

Streaming Pt4 tonight – The Finals! Tune in at 10PM EST / 9PM CST / 7PM PST!

Streaming the 2019 Canadian National Championship!

Looking for more robotic mayhem? Monday Jan 18 we will be streaming Part 1 of the 2019 Canadian National Championship!How many BattleBots builders can you spot? Join us at to watch and chat live with the competitors and other builders! 10PM EST / 9PM CST / 7PM PSTSubscribe to the channel to be notified ...

Kilobots COVID-19 updates

It’s been a while since we destroyed some robots! August 2019 to be exact. May’s “RoboPalooza” at Saskatoon Maker Faire was cancelled, June’s “Rent-to-Wreck” at Frontier Days was cancelled, and the 2020 Canadian National Championship isn’t looking good for August either! But we’re still building. Having months of extra time is going to produce some ...