Canadian National Championship 2019 @ The Saskatoon Ex

Thank you to everyone who attended the Kilobots XLIII event in September! The 2019 Canadian National Championship tournament was most excellent.  Reviews from the international competitors were highly positive, and every one of them said they plan to come back for 2020.  Our social media pages lit up with positive comments and I wouldn’t be ...

Kilobots XLII @ Saskatoon Mini Maker Faire!

Thanks to everyone who came out to see us Saskatoon Mini Maker Faire!  These single-day events are a whirlwind but it looks like everybody came out smiling!  Video editing will begin shortly and we will be streaming it on Twitch when it’s ready!  Follow to be notified when it goes live, and follow our ...

Videos galore!

Playlists for both the 2018 Canadian National Championship and the 2019 Spectrum @ UofS event are now uploaded!  Head to the Past Events & Videos page to watch!

Kilobots XLI @ Spectrum 2019 event now available on Twitch!

The entire Kilobots XLI @ Spectrum 2019 event is available on Twitch!  With breaks edited out and builder chat added, settle in for a full day of robotic destruction.

Workshop: Build Your Own Combat Robot

Did you see Kilobots XLI  at Spectrum last weekend?? Does fighting robots look fun, but you’re not quite sure how to get into it? This is it – the workshop that finishes with you holding your very own Viper 1lb combat robot, ready to compete in the next Kilobots event! <Link removed to past event> ...

Kilobots XLI – Spectrum 2019 @ UofS Engineering Building

Kilobots returns to its roots for Spectrum 2019 at the University of Saskatchewan! Before growing into Canada’s largest international combat robot competition, the SCRC started as a small university club. We have been a headliner at the triennial Spectrum for the past 15 years and it is still one of our most exciting events! The ...